Return Policy:  For items that are defective or arrive damaged, please contact us immediately so that we may resolve the situation. For items you wish to return for other reasons, we will accept returns for refund less a 10% restocking fee, if within 30 days of date of purchase. We do not refund shipping costs.

Cancellation Policy:  All orders that have not yet shipped may be cancelled without fees. 

Shipping Policy:  We ship orders via UPS ground. Our shipping and handling rates will be displayed prior to checkout.  Please supply us with both your billing address and shipping address if they differ. Any charges for redelivery or refusal of the shipment will be your responsibility. UPS 2-Day and Next Day delivery are also available. We will ship to the U.S. and Canada only.

Privacy Policy:  All customer information collected by us is only for our use in the processing of your order and to give you appropriate customer support and follow-up. Phone numbers are only for the case of a problem with your order. Email addresses may be used, if you have given your permission, for occasional promotions and notices. Mailing addresses may be used for a promotion, but that is rare. To not be contacted in a certain way or to be removed from contact altogether, please notify us.